
What for?

•Address worldwide trend to use noninvasive and nondestructive analysis methods

•Make structure and chemical composition analysis more applicable and affordable:

•By bridging achievements of scientific research with state-of-the-art industrial technologies

•Less harmful to live specimens due to a lower X-ray dose

•Higher spatial resolution

•Address worldwide trend to use noninvasive and nondestructive analysis methods

•Make structure and chemical composition analysis more applicable and affordable:

•By bridging achievements of scientific research with state-of-the-art industrial technologies

•Less harmful to live specimens due to a lower X-ray dose

•Higher spatial resolution

•Better differentiation of chemicals and compositions

How technologically?

•Use penetrative X-ray radiation to enlighten the specimen•

•Use a sensor capable to count and measure the energy of X-ray photons propagated through and/or reflected by the specimen

What is HR-GaAs:Cr?

•Our nickname for this sensing material is “TOP”

•There are other sensing materials on the market, CdTe, CdZnTe (CZT), etc.

•TOP provides competitive performance, and

•Order of magnitude cheaper

•Scalable production processes

Better response uniformity

•TOP is a material with the best price/performance ratio for the energy dispersive photon counting X-ray sensing